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LATEST MARKET UPDATE: Gas and Power prices are largely trading at parity with last week’s levels, despite some significant price swings at the front of the pricing curve. The bout of low pressure has seen reduced wind output, increasing demand for gas-fired power generation and stretching a European gas system which is struggling to attract global LNG. Winter prices have also been volatile with concerns over gas storage levels being partially offset by positive supply news surrounding the potential completion of the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline. Prices further out have been softer, as renewed coronavirus fears in the wake of the delta variant have weigh on global oil markets.

Energy Audits

Issues or inefficiencies with energy consumption across your site or portfolio of sites could be costing your business huge amounts of money. This is where our Energy Audits can help. 

We’ll send one of our experienced energy efficiency consultants to your site or estate to conduct a thorough review of energy efficiency and management. They'll assess day-to-day consumption and look at the main energy-using systems to identify reduction opportunities.

They’ll consider how both people and technology play a role in cutting usage and costs across your business. Our audits typically lead to between 5-15% overall reductions in energy usage (excluding generation assets).


Energy Audit steps and benefits:

Step 1: Review energy management practices

We’ll explore how energy is currently being managed, conducting interviews with key staff to identify good practice and improvement areas. We’ll consider things like strategic context, leadership, planning, support and operations. 

Step 2: Energy data review

Next, we’ll review available data to identify current performance and key improvement opportunities. Billing and meter data helps us monitor trends and set benchmarks for comparison.

Step 3: Energy efficiency audit

The audit will identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency, reduce costs and carbon emissions. We’ll produce a report setting out key findings and opportunities for carbon and cost-saving measures.

  • Strong project governance – An appointed project lead will manage your project from start to finish. We'll schedule regular progress calls/meetings and provide regular progress reports.
  • Core values – We’re committed to delivering projects that are economically viable, result in tangible operational improvements, and eliminate or control risk wherever possible.
  • Interest-Free Funding – Once we’ve helped you identify areas of improvement, you can benefit from our Revolving Green Fund. An exclusive initiative which enables businesses to receive interest free funds for any energy cost saving technology or equipment.


Request Your Audit Today

If you would like a no obligation energy audit for your business, please submit an enquiry form using this form. A member of our team will be in touch shortly!

Our Clients


Our latest project

BPP And Cloud FM

We carried out an analysis of BPP’s estate and identified an opportunity to reduce its energy consumption and operate more efficiently. We also carried out a re-tender of BPP’s utility services.

Read the full case study

Reducing energy consumption and generating a saving of £77k per annum


Speak to us about our latest services today